How do the SuperVia bicycle parks work? The bicycle parks are closed for an indeterminate period - with the exception of the Lages bicycle park, whose service is external.
Can I board a train with an electric or motorized bicycle? No. You are not allowed to board with delivery bicycles, nor motorized or electric bicycles.
What are the rules for boarding with bulky volumes on the station's? The maximum dimensions allowed, including handles and/or supports for the volumes, should be equal to or less than 40 cm in width, 80 cm in height and 25 cm in depth. Remember that no pointy objects, flammable liquids ( gasoline, alcohol etc.), dirty objects or any item that may put other passengers safety or comfort at risk are allowed. For everybody's safety SuperVia reserves the right to refuse boarding for people with large volumes during special services or large events.
At what times can I board with a bicycle? After 9 pm. on working days, and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
How does the lost-and-found department work? Owing to the current situation we find ourselves in, with a view to protecting our passengers and staff, and following the guidance of authorities to avoid crowds and reduce the flow of people in the stations, since May 1 2020, the Lost and Found department is temporarily closed. If you should you find any document on the railway system, this can be handed in at any branch of the Correios (Post Office). For any other kind of object found, please contact the closest police authority.
What are the Customer Service Center Opening times? SuperVia Fone works every day of the week on the phone number 0800 726 9494, aligned with train operating times.
What is the Free Fare pass and what is it for? The Free Fare pass is a card emitted by SuperVia to offer free fares to people with disabilities and chronic illnesses as well as students from the public school system. Those over 65 can obtain a free pass by just showing an official document with a photograph at the ticket booth at the time of boarding, without needing to request the Free Fare pass.
What do I have to do to get the Free Fare card? Make an appointment through the Espaço Gratuidade (Free Fare Platform) here (in Portuguese). After the appointment has been confirmed, turn up at the location (located at Central do Brasil terminal) on the day and time set, bringing with you all the documents needed to carry out the service:
People over 65:
Free access will be given on presentation of an original document with a photograph at the station ticket booth at the time of boarding. There is no need to request a Free Fare card.People with a disability or chronic illness:
Original ID card with photograph, or birth certificate ( in the case of minors); Proof of address (at most 3 months old, must be the original document, sent via the post office or printed). Vale Social (Social Card) emitted by Setrans (State Transportation Secretary), if active. If, for some reason, it is inactive the passenger should request this Vale Social (Social Card) from Setrans at the Rio Poupa Tempo, Fundação Leão XIII, authorized city halls, INES - The National Institute for the Deaf, FIOCRUZ or the Fluminense Rehabilitation Association, and set an appointment at the Espaço Gratuidade (Free Fare platform) after the request has been referred.Students in the Public Education System:
Original ID card with photograph, or birth certificate (in the case of minors) ; Proof of address in the name of the applicant (if over 18). This should be at most 3 months old, original document, having been sent via the post office. School enrollment certificate (at most 30 days old) In order for the benefit to be granted, it is important that the school has previously sent a list of those students requesting the free student transport service.Remember that setting the appointment does not automatically guarantee approval of the benefit. The request will be analyzed and the passenger will receive an email at the registered address if there is any irregularity. Furthermore, the documents will also be examined at the time of the in-person appointment.
How can I get another copy of the Free Fare Pass? To request a second copy of the Free Fare pass, set an appointment at the Espaço Gratuidade (Free Fare platform) here. There will be a R$20 fee for emitting the card in cases of lost or misused cards. If the card has been stolen, there will be no charge on presentation of the police report. After confirming the appointment, turn up at the site (located at Central do Brasil terminal) on the day and time set, bringing with you the documents needed to carry out the service.