

Tickets and cards

  • I am over the age of 65, how do I travel free on the railway system?

    Those aged over 65 have the right to free trips on the railway system, guaranteed by law. To gain access to this free right, whenever you need to use the train, go to a ticket booth and show an original document with a photograph.

  • What is the price of a train fare?

    The price of a ticket is R$7.60

  • How can I pay for a train ticket?
    • Single card -  this is valid for one journey and should be used within 15 minutes after purchase at the same station at which it was bought.
    • Fetranspor Cards - RioCard (Vale-Transporte, Vale-Transporte Rápido, Expresso and Bilhete Único).
    • Digital Cards - Only Visa, Mastercard and smartphones (Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Android Pay systems). This technology is available at Central do Brasil station.
  • How can I get the Bilhete Único (Integrated Ticket)?

    Through the Rio Bilhete Único website.

  • What is the SuperVia single card?

    This is a card with credit to the value of  a single trip by train,  equivalent to the price of the fare set by SuperVia.

  • After the card has been scanned in the ticket gate, how long do I have to pass through and use the train service?

    The maximum time is 30 seconds. After this, the gate will debit another fare from the card.


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