
Free travel benefit

How to get the free travel card:

To request the free travel card, it is necessary to make a previous appointment. After scheduling your service, go to Espaço Gratuidade, located in Central do Brasil, on the chosen day and time and with the necessary documents to carrying out the service. If you are aged over 65 years from the day 11/11/2020 it is not necessary to request the frre travel card. Please present an official document with a photo at the ticket office at the station when boarding.

Stay tuned! From 06/08, in accordance with Article 2 of State Law No. 4,510 / 2005, free access for people with disabilities and / or chronic illnesses at our stations will be allowed upon presentation of the document “Vale Social” issued by SETRANS (except Vale Social issued by RioCard) or SuperVia free travel card.

Documentos necessários para concessão do benefício

Over 65s:

  • Present your Free Travel Benefit Card issued by SuperVia or an original document with photo at the boarding station. There´s no need to request the free travel card.

People with disabilities or chronic diseases:

  • Original identification document with photo or birth certificate (for beneficiaries under 18 years old);
  • Proof of residence (last 3 months, original and sent by mail or printed);
  • Vale Social issued by Setrans (Secretary of State for Transport), if it is active. If it is not active, the beneficiary must apply for a Vale Social application with Setrans through the Poupa Tempo River, Leão XIII Foundation, associated prefectures, INES - Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos, FIOCRUZ and Associação Fluminense de Reabilitação, and request an appointment at Espaço Gratuidade after the request has been granted.

Students from the public education system (elementary, secondary and technical secondary, when concomitant):

  • Original identification document with photo or birth certificate (for beneficiaries under 18 years old);
  • Proof of residence on behalf of the applicant, if he is over 18 years old, or on behalf of the legal guardian, for beneficiaries under 18 years old. The document must be more recent than three months, original and sent by mail;
  • School statement with 30 days validity;
  • For the benefit to be granted, it is mandatory that the school has previously sent the list of students who have requested the benefit.

Free Pass:

On presentation of the Free Travel Benefit Card issued by SuperVia or the original document with photo at the ticket office at the boarding station, the ticket collector will supply the passenger with the Cartão Gratuidade (Free Pass), that should be used within 10 minutes.

After that, the message “saldo expirado” will appear on the display, requiring the withdrawal of another card at the ticket office.


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